Louin Gaines
Service Technician

Meet Louin Gaines, our dedicated Service Technician at Got Bugs?. Joining our team in December 2023, Louin brings extensive experience in the pest control industry, starting his career in 2006 and acquiring certifications including AIB, Serv-safe, Quality Pro, Quality ProGreen, Quality ProSchool, Frontline, and Bed Bug Certified.

Originally from Atlanta, GA, Louin finds fulfillment in the supportive and collaborative environment at Got Bugs?. He values the camaraderie among his coworkers, considering them an essential part of what makes his job enjoyable. Louin's favorite aspect of working here is the positive work atmosphere, where teamwork and mutual respect are key.

Outside of work, Louin is an avid nature enthusiast. He finds joy in kayaking along serene waters and exploring the trails through hikes, connecting deeply with the natural world around him. One of Louin's passions is nurturing hummingbirds, with up to 50 visiting his yard during the season, showcasing his compassion for wildlife and the environment.

Louin embodies dedication and a love for nature at Got Bugs?. His positive attitude and commitment to excellence ensure that our customers receive top-tier pest control services with a friendly and knowledgeable approach.

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